Betrayal of Love

DSCN1418-D deceives the wicked .[2 Thessalonians 2:11] Their experience wrought in turning away from G-D gives them the titillating sense they are of great power . At the same time G-D allows all to have had a timeless sense [Romans 1:19], in that timeless sense the wicked person is allowed to determine to sin , but then to commit the specific sin of iniquity , their turning away gave them great power . Nothing holds them back , they are all of one language ,their turning away, seems to them to promise a freedom to do as they please with their power in Eternity ! These fully believe that confronted by agents of opposition , in eternity (the timeless sense G-D already allowed then to have) they are able to take the reins in any area of concern and conquer all .

Of all iniquities, Betrayal of Love shows most eminently the deception and the hurtfulness , the wicked who turn away from G-D fall into.[S. Of S. 8:6] Now suppose I the writer had fallen into a betrayal of someone who loves me . I , in the very act of betrayal, come to sense I have great Power ,I have a vast spanning ability to conquer in the area of betrayal of Love . That Jesus is to remit such a sin immediately makes no sense, let me explain . Love covers a multitude of sins but please observe how love can’t cover the sin and iniquity of betrayal of Love . The subject looked into is more and more obvious that Love wouldn’t betray love . Now, why wouldn’t Divine Love immediately remit any sin of betrayal of Love ? Are people wrong to view getting saved as a matter of remission of sin ? No, however, let us have a look at how G-D views us getting saved . G-D is privileged with a different viewpoint on the small gate and narrow passage to Redemption . G-D examines us on the Day of Judgment for the works we do , the labors we do with His righteousness . How then does He view our works with His righteousness , one at a time ? No G-D looks at a compilation of that activity , how we did with the use of His righteousness . Now bring the sin of betrayal of Divine love . Now since the tendency on earth is to view the small gate and narrow way as a matter of getting rid of sin, From that view almost if not all people could be charged as having had the sin of betrayal of Divine love. Nevertheless, in view of G-D’s Justice, we ought eventually find Sanctification . We must be in the Holy intent to never ever betray His Divine love for us . The Jamaicans say in so many words that His Divine Love forms a one (eventually I say) with our love . One love , this is true ,however, it comes to pass as one Love where if anyone was in Love with me I must never ever betray it . In terms of each other, we cannot betray their Divine Love for us even as we cannot betray His Divine Love for us . DSCN1418DSCN1418

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